We speak all languages
Versatility by design
Language features are built in to Hyperion, available at all stages of the submission process. It takes a single click to fully customise the user’s experience.
Each submission form (abstracts, reviews, registration and everything else) can be set up with multiple languages and more can be added at any time.
Language packs
We’ve created packs for the major world regions, based around the dominant local languages.
Western Europe: English, German, French, Dutch
Southern Europe: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Greek
Northern Europe: English, Danish, Swedish, Finnish
Central Europe: English, German, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian
North America: English, Spanish, French
Latin America: Spanish, Portuguese, English
Middle East / North Africa: Arabic, French, English
Sub-Saharan Africa: English, French, Swahili, Portuguese
South Asia: Hindi, English, Bengali, Urdu
Southeast Asia: English, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Vietnamese
East Asia: Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, English
Or you can design your own pack with any languages you want.
Why not have a look?
If you’d like to know more, just click here.